1. Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z ofertami inwestycyjnymi Czerniwieckiego obwodu Ukrainy (w języku angielskim), które przygotowała Państwowa Obwodowa Administracja Czerniwieckiego obwodu:
- Investment proposals Greenfield (plik do pobrania)
- Investment proposals Brownfield (plik do pobrania)
- Investment proposals Existing companies (plik do pobrania)
2. HORBATOV Valerii
Informacja ukraińskiego przedsiębiorcy HORBATOV Valerii, w sprawie poszukiwania zagranicznych inwestorów w celu realizacji projektu inwestycyjnego.
Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z ofertami inwestycyjnymi oraz produkcją grupy firm ukraińskich „OLIMP”.
Materiały prezentacyjne oraz oferty inwestycyjne do pobrania:
1. Istinna – true Ukrainian vodka
4. The first Ukrainian industrial park "Malinovka"
6. TM Malinovka
1. Ukraiński Południowy Zakład Maszyn im. A.Makarowa («Південмаш» - «Piwdenmash»)
Ukraiński Południowy Zakład Maszyn im. A.Makarowa («Південмаш» - «Piwdenmash») jest producentem ciągników.
«Piwdenmash» zainteresowany w nawiązaniu kontaktów biznesowych w celu sprzedaży ukraińskich ciągników za granicę oraz rozwojem współpracy międzynarodowej przy udziale zagranicznych inwestorów w ramach wspólnej produkcji ciągników.
W związku z powyższym przekazujemy w załączniku materiały prezentacyjne ukraińskiego Południowego Zakładu Maszyn im. A.Makarowa. W przypadku zainteresowania ww. propozycją uprzejmie prosimy o kontakt z przedstawicielem «Piwdenmash» oraz Konsulatem Generalnym Ukrainy w Lublinie.
Południowy Zakład Maszyn im. A.Makarowa
tel.:+38 (056) 376-52-17
e-mail: [email protected]
adres: 49047 Ukraina, Dniepropetrovsk, ul. Kryvorozhskaya 1
2. Prywatne Produkcyjno Komercyjne Przedsiębiorstwo „Pani Kristina”
Prywatne Produkcyjno Komercyjne Przedsiębiorstwo „Pani Kristina” (członek Chersońskiej Izby Przemysłowo-Handlowej) jest producentem szerokiej gamy produktów i oferuje dla eksportu produkty spożywcze z naturalnych składników, m. in.: majonez, ketchup, sok, koncentrat pomidorowy, puree warzywne, musztardy, makaron, ciastka, dżemy i t.d.
Ww. przedsiębiorstwo zainteresowane nawiązaniem partnerstwa z importerami w Polsce w celu sprzedaży własnej produkcji na rynku Polskim.
W przypadku zainteresowania ww. propozycją uprzejmie prosimy o kontakt z przedstawicielem Prywatnego Produkcyjno Komercyjnego Przedsiębiorstwa „Pani Kristina” lub Konsulatem Generalnym Ukrainy w Lublinie:
PCMF "Pani Christina"
5 Tekstylshikiv avenue, Kherson, Ukraine, 73002
t.: +38 0552 51 61 11, 366 770; f.:366 347
e-mail: [email protected], web-site: holiday-food.com.ua;
Director – Petro Kurylenko,
International Cooperation Department – Victoria Sharkovska
(k. tel.: +38 050 1406582, +38 067 5514806).
3. „South Power Company” jest zainteresowana nawiązaniem kontaktów z potencjalnymi partnerami w Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej.
Ww. przedsiębiorstwo działa na rynkach energii Ukrainy, Mołdawii, wielu innych krajów, oraz ma pozytywne doświadczenia współpracy (m. in. - Hiszpania, Chorwacja).
„South Power Company” zainteresowana następną współpracą z partnerami europejskimi:
- projektowanie, remont i budowa podstacji elektrycznych do 750 kV;
- projektowanie, remont i budowa linii kablowych i napowietrznych do 750 kV;
- dostawa urządzeń energetycznych ukraińskiego producenta do 750 kV.
Dodatkowe informacje na ten temat umieszczone na stronie internetowej „South Power Company” (http://www.southpower.com.ua/en/)
W przypadku zainteresowania ww. propozycjami uprzejmie prosimy o kontakt z Konsulatem Generalnym Ukrainy w Lublinie
4. Katalog ukraińskiej produkcji spożywczej "UKRAINIAN FOOD 2015" - pobrać
5. Firma Papa Karlo
Charkowski producent drzwi wewnętrznych (Firma Papa Karlo) produkuje drzwi z wykorzystaniem nowoczesnego sprzętu zgodnie z normami ISO 9001:2006 oraz ISO 14001:2009.
Firma Papa Karlo poszukuje partnerów biznesowych dla organizacji sprzedaży hurtowej swojej produkcji za granicą (w formacie B2B).
Szczegółowa informacja umieszczona na stronie: http://papa-carlo.com.ua/en/
Informacja Ukraińskiej grupy «LCC UKRAINIAN ECOLOGICAL GROUP», która produkuje soki, wodę, miód.
Materiały prezentacyjne:
W przypadku zainteresowania ww. produkcją oraz nawiązaniem współpracy z «LCC UKRAINIAN ECOLOGICAL GROUP» prosimy o kontakt z Dyrektorem działu współpracy międzynarodowej Panem Krolewec Roman (tel.: +38-096-531-89-44) lub z Konsulatem Generalnym Ukrainy w Lublinie.
7. Hire Ukrainians Software
- [Hire Ukrainians] Presentation
- [Hire Ukrainians] Introduction letter
Informacja firmy „KREMENCHUK STEEL WORKS” (www.ksz.com.ua) w sprawie nawiązania współpracy z partnerami zagranicznymi
Informacja firmy Sp. z o.o. „DNIPROSPETSMASH” (http://dsmash.com) w sprawie nawiązania współpracy z partnerami zagranicznymi.
10. Sp. z o.o. "Malinowski Glass"
Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością "Malinowski Glass" (huta szkła) jest otwarta na aktywną współpracę na rynku Unii Europejskiej.
Informacje dotyczące Sp. z o.o. "Malinowski Glass" można uzyskać na stronie internetowej: http://www.malglass.com/En
11. ZAHIDTRANSSERVICE: commercial offer, letter, product catalogue 2016
12. Stolychnyi Mlyn: letter, commercial offer, catalogue
Export proposals
of companies from Cherkasy region, Ukraine
1. Agrofirm Zolotyi Kolos LLC, Uman, Ukraine, offers glued furniture boards and lamellas (oak, ash), size - 20-40*600-1000*3000 mm.
Batch - 28 m3 per month. Prices are negotiated.
Terms of delivery FCA Uman.
We intend to export to Europe, Israel, countries of the CIS.
The offer is valid until the end of 2014.
Contact information:
8, Zalizniak str., Uman, Cherkasy region, 20300, Ukraine
Director: Yurii Vostrikov,
Tel.+ 380 (67) 253-96-12, +380 (4744) 3-00-03
Fax: +380 (4744) 3-32-43,
E-mail: [email protected]
2. Vatfarm LLC, Cherkasy, Ukraine is engaged the production of goo ds for medical and hygienic purpose (cotton wool, bandages, cheesecloth, cotton swabs) and looking for trade intermediaries and distributors for sales and promotion of the company products on the international markets.
The implementation of export is planned in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia.
Contact information:
66, Khymikiv avenue, Cherkasy, 18018, Ukraine.
Tel. + 380 (472) 64-10-77
E-mail: [email protected]
Director: Ivan Tsybanov
Responsible person: Olexandra Salnikova, deputy marketing director.
Mob.tel. +380 (68) 900-17-24,
e-mail: [email protected]
3. Fur Farming company of Cherkasy Consumer's Association, v. Moshny, Cherkasy region, Ukraine, offers mink fursof own production of different varieties, around 30-40 thousand pieces:
• Dark brown standard
• Gray-blue
• "Brown"
• "Pearl"
Price range is significantly lower than the auction price. It is planned to carry out export to Russia, Kazakhstan, Italy and China.
The offer is valid until the end of 2014.
Contact information:
Moshnohiria tract, v. Moshny, Cherkasy region, 19615, Ukraine
Tel. +380 (472) 30-29-86 30-20-88
Fax: +380 (472) 30-22-00,
e-mail: [email protected]
Director and responsible person:
Ivan Lyashevskii,
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel.+380 (472) 30-20-88
4. Private Enterprise Hermes-Garant, Cherkasy, Ukraine, offers accessories, box van bodies, trays, pallets, plywood and MDF.
The implementation of export is planned to the EU countries and the Middle East.
Contact information:
5, Zelinskoho str., Cherkasy, 18030, Ukraine.
Tel/Fax: +380 (472) 73-03-36,
e-mail: [email protected]
Director: Anatolii Kuzmych
Responsible person: Igor Goshulyak, deputy director.
Mob: +380 (67) 236-31-35.
e-mail: [email protected]
5. Cetus LLC, Cherkasy, Ukraine invites investors for participation in the implementation of investment project for construction of solar power capacity of 25 MW, the total investment needed up to 40 (forty) million EUR.
Contact information:
582, Gogolya str., Cherkasy, 18006, Ukraine
Tel/fax: +380 (472) 73-74-99
Director and responsible person: Kyrylo Stavnychyi
tel. +380 (472) 73-74-99
E-mail: [email protected]
6. Private company PrJSC Frau Marta, Cherkasy, Ukraine, is engaged in production and sales of frozen vegetable products (IQF Green peas, IQF Peppers whole & IQF Peppers in bricks, IQF Broccoli, IQF Sweet Corn, IQF Onions in bricks, IQF Cauliflower).
Export is planned to EU and CIS countries.
Also we import agricultural machinery, spare parts, seeds, technological equipment.
Contact information:
169, Smilyanska str., Cherkasy, 18000, Ukraine
Director: Iryna Pavlenko
Tel. +380 (472) 63-45-53
E-mail: [email protected]
Web-site: www.fraumarta.com.ua
7. Oskar Group LLC, Cherkasy, Ukraine supplies monolithic and honeycomb polycarbonate, profiled monolithic slate, plastic cord cushion for glass containers, and also accessory equipment for polycarbonate sheets (flank, base-cover panel, pressure washer).
It is planned to carry out export to Poland, Czech Republic and Slovenia.
Contact information:
1A, Verbovetskoho str., Cherkasy, Ukraine, 18016
Director: Arman Akhtoyan
Responsible person: Yuliya Lykholai
Tel. +380 (472) 501-064
Fax: +380 (472) 504-064
E-mail: [email protected]
The offer is valid until December 31, 2014
8. Alfa-Eteks LLC, Cherkasy, Ukraine, engaged in the production and realization of fish canned food in assortment ( in tomato sauce, natural, with the addition of oil, with vegetables).
The implementation of export is planned to EU countries.
Contact information:
P.O.BOX 255, Cherkasy, Ukraine, 18000
Tel. + 380 (472) 32-88-41
Fax: +380 (472) 32-88-43
E-mail: [email protected]
Director: Tetyana Kupets
Responsible person: Serhii Nazarenko, deputy general manager
Tel. +380 (67) 716-99-88
E-mail: [email protected]
The offer is valid until December 31, 2015
9. Private enterprise Ukrhosptovary, Cherkasy, Ukraine, engaged in the production and distributive trade of sticky plywood, wood chipboard, sawn timber and wood products.
The implementation of export is planned to EU and CIS countries.
Contact information:
15, Chyhyrynska str., Cherkasy, Ukraine, 18001
Tel. +380 (50) 464-07-49
Director: Oleksandr Pivtorak
Responsible person: Oleksandr Dakhno, foreign trade manager.
Tel.+380 (50) 464-94-28
E-mail: [email protected]
The offer is valid until December 31, 2014
10. Freya-Agro LLC, Cherkasy, Ukraine, producer and distributor of complex organic-mineral fertilizers (modified potassium humic reagent, modified sodium humic reagent, liquid fertilizer potassium humate - “Freya-aqua”, liquid fertilizer potassium humate with microelements - “Freya-aqua”, carbamide-ammonia mix with a potassium humate “KAS-Active”) for agricultural enterprises.
Company is looking for trade partners in the EU and other countries.
Customs code: 3824909790; 3105209000; 3105201000
Production volumes : Reagent – 1500 t/m, freya-aqua – 300 t/m, KAS-ACTIVE – 5000 t/m.
Address: 94/A, Panfilova st., Gorodyshche, Cherkasy region, Ukraine, 19500
Telephone: +380 (472) 50-78-54
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://freya-agro.com.ua
Contact person: Molozhavyi Leonid, manager.
11. PE Prykhodko A.P., Cherkasy region, Ukraine, searching for new commodity markets for own products: boards (dry and wet) pine, square log (wet, dry) pine, workpiece pallets and finished pallets. The implementation of export is planned to EU countries.
Contact information:
Address: 16 Gaidara, Str., vil. Dubiivka, Cherkasy district, Cherkasy region, Ukraine, 19631
Tel: +380 (472) 30-61-09
Fax: +380 (472) 30-61-09
E-mail: [email protected]
Director: Prykhodko Anatolii Petrovych, Mob.: +38096-685-25-29
The offer is valid until 21 July, 2015
12. PJSC «Umanfermmash», Uman, Cherkasy region, Ukraine.
The company is engaged in production of agricultural equipment: for soil processing (harrows, ploughs, cultivators, stubble, rollers); transporting (trailers, semi-trailers, drums); processing (churns, extruders, presses).
All products are certified and are for export sale. The implementation of export is planned to Russia, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Poland, Baltic states, Moldova.
Contact information:
Address: 20309, 21 Enerhetychna str., Uman, Cherkasy region, Ukraine, 20309
Tel.: +380 (4744) 2-25-73; 2-25-56
Fax +380 (4744) 2-25-73
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.fermmash.com
General Director: Lipkan Anatolii Vasyliovych
Responsible person: Shpak Volodymyr Valeriiovych, deputy general director,
Mob. +380 67 470 10 37
The offer is valid until 31 December, 2014
13. «CherkasyElevatorMash» LLC, Cherkasy, Ukraine, producer of extruders for grain, oil presses, lines for processing of oil crops, equipment for biofuel production (fuel briquettes), technological grain handling equipment.
The implementation of export is planned to CIS countries, EU, Africa and China.
Contact information:
Address: 7-A Khimikiv av. Cherkasy, Ukraine, 18018
Tel.: + 380 (472) 64-20-52; 64-24-18
Fax: + 380 (472) 32-63-37
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.bronto.ua
Director: Chernenko Oleh
Responsible person: Igor Brovchenko, manager
e-mail: [email protected]
Mob. +380 67 4746596
The offer is valid until 31 December, 2014
14. «Kamianka Macinebuilding Plant» LLC, Cherkasy region, Ukraine, produces gear-type pumps G11-1; G11-2 and pumping units on their basis; oil gear-type pumps and pumping units on their basis; out-of-round piston pumps N-403 ER type (UR), H401 EP (UR) H400 EP (UR); hydraulic control valves BE10, BE6. Pumps for production of chemical yarn and fibres (more than 60 types). The plant possesses own cast centre, there is a possibility of iron and colour casting.
Export is planned to Georgia, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Lithuania and other countries.
Address: 40, Lenina Str., Kamyanka, Cherkasy region, Ukraine, 20800.
Tel: +380 (4732) 6-14-75 ; 6-14-76
Fax: +380 (4732) 6-14-75
E-mail: [email protected]
Director: Mr. Vladimir Getsko
Contact person: commercial director Selianinova Liudmila. Tel. +380(4732) 6-14-81,
e-mail: [email protected]
15. Private Scientific and Production Enterprise «Mekhanotron», Cherkasy, Ukraine, makes the equipment for packing and loading of products: free-flowing (grain, grain, sugar, raw, beet, press) and liquid (oil, treacle); the batcher weight "Norma-С" for packing in bags; the bunker scales “Norma T» series for the weight accounting of free-flowing and liquid products; conveying scales "Norma TK"; counters of bags on the conveyor; station for filling "Big-Bag".
Export is planned to European countries and the CIS.
Contact information: 117 Kalinina Str., Cherkasy, Ukraine, 18016.
Tel: +380 (472) 71-30-20
Fax: +380 (472) 71-30-21
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://mechanotron.com/
Director: Mr. Leonid Temnik
Responsible person: deputy director, Mr. Alexey Kalachov. +380 (50) 915-92-02
The offer is valid until 31 December 2015
16. "Cherkasy Autochemistry Plant" LLC, Cherkasy is one of the largest enterprises in Ukraine, specialized in manufacturing and trading technical fluids for the automotive industry. The company manufactures and distributes solvents, motor and transmission oils, coolants, brake fluids and windshield washer fluid for any vehicles. The plant's products are exported to 37 countries.
The company is interested in expanding its exports to the EU, Asia, Africa and the CIS under its own brand or under the brand names of the customer. Products are supplied in various types of packaging (cans, barrels, cubes).
118 Chornovola str., Cherkasy, Ukraine, 18003
Executive Director - Vasyl Cherniavskyi
Tel./ Fax: +380 (472) 64 61 60
e-mail: [email protected]
Contact person: Yurii Serediak, Head of sales and exports department,
mob. +380 447 11 41
e-mail: [email protected]
The offer is valid until 31.12.2020
17. Manezh LLC produces and sells interior and exterior sun protection systems (awnings, pergolas, front sunblinds, refleksol system to protect terraces from side wind, curtain systems, plisse systems, horizontal and vertical blinds).
Export is planned to Belarus, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Slovakia, UAE, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Yerevan, Austria, Germany, Hungary. Ready to participate in tenders in all countries where there is a burning sun.
Contact information: 146, Gromova Str., Cherkasy 18019, Ukraine
Tel.: +380 (472) 502 508
Fax: +380 (472) 502 508
E-mail: [email protected]
Head of the company: Diachenko Volodymyr Leonydovych , Diachenko Maryna Mykolaiivna
Contact person: Diachenko Maryna Mykolaiivna - commercial director
Mob.: +380 (50) 313-70-39,
e-mail: [email protected]
Languages for communication: English, German, Russian, other
The offer is valid until December 31, 2015
18. Mebli Livs LLC produces and sells soft and carcass furniture.
Export is planned to Russian Federation, countries of Central Asia, Georgia, Armenia, Moldova, countries of Europe.
Contact information: 2, Odeska Str., Smila 20700, Cherkasy region, Ukraine
Tel.: +380 (4733) 40545
Fax: +380 (4733) 40550
E-mail: [email protected]
http:// www.livs.com.ua
Head of the company: Savchenko Lubov Volodymirivna – director
Contact person: Savchenko Lubov Volodymirivna – director
Tel.: +380 (4733) 40545
e-mail: [email protected]
Languages for communication: Russian
The offer is valid until December 31, 2015
19. Uatransport LLC provides a full range of logistics services, using all necessary means of transport. Our head office is located in Cherkasy. We are the member of many local organizations. The activity of our company is insured by civil liability insurance policy. Company specialization is primarily a direction on a route Europe - Ukraine - Europe.
Cooperation is planned with the following countries: Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Belgium, France, Italy.
Contact information: 118, Smilyanska Str., of. 504, Cherkasy 18000, Ukraine
Tel.: +380 (67) 470 15 33
Fax: +380 (472) 631507
E-mail: [email protected]
http:// www.uatransport.com.ua
Head of the company: Mulyak Tetiana Ivanivna - Head of International Transportation Department
Contact person: Kovalyuk Kateryna Mykhailivna
Tel: +380 (97) 758 29 89,
e-mail: [email protected]
Languages for communication: Ukrainian, Russian
The offer is valid until year of 2017
20. "Agrofirm "POLE" LLC, Cherkassy is a company which specializes in the production of cereals - wheat, durum wheat cereals, grain maize, pea cereals. The company is engaged in production of millet of category «Organic food», which corresponds to European quality standards and its production has been certified according to EU standards. Millet is produced only from organic raw materials grown in ecologically clean areas. Environmental friendliness, affordability, quality are the main principles of the company. A complete list of products can be found on the website of the company.
The company invites interested foreign organizations to cooperation and is willing to consider all offers of potential trading partners.
"Agrofirm" POLE "is already engaged and plans to expand exports to the following countries - Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Holland, USA, Hungary.
Mail address:
Cherkassy, P/B 73, Ukraine, 18001
Director – Ivan Tomenko
Tel.: +380 (472) 64 15 88
Fax: +380 (472) 64 70 31
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.agropole.com.ua
21. The company "OLVIN" LLC, Cherkasy, has extensive experience in foreign trade activities in various areas.
Some examples:
1.Export of different products, mainly spare parts for cars and tractors to the Republic of Cuba from 1998.
2. Exports of timber products (beams of softwood) to Qatar from 2012.
3 Import of cocoa powder from Spain (contractor firm - INDCRESA, Barcelona) since 2004.
We plan to export various products of Ukrainian machine building plants, timber, agricultural products and other goods to the EU, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. Contact: office 702, Chekhova str. 72, Cherkasy, Ukraine, 18020
Director: Polomarenko Anatoly Petrovich,
mob. phone. +38 (097) 463-38-71
Tel. / Fax: +380 (472) 01.08.43 or tel. +380 (472) 32-93-41
e-mail: [email protected]
Offer valid until the end of 2015.
22. The company "Factory named after Lesia Ukrainka", Cherkasy, which is a manufacturer of female clothing, offers wide range of costumes, tablecloths, embroidered towels, shirts. There is a possibility of cooperation under tolling agreement. In this form of cooperation the customer provides technological description of the model, gives the fabric and accessories, and the factory sews products. Collections of products of the company can be found on the website of the factory - www.lesya.ck.ua
The company is looking for partners for sales of its products in the EU countries (Poland, Germany, France, the Baltic countries), Georgia and other countries.
Director - Mochernyuk Natalia
mob. + 380 97 011 99 77
e-mail: [email protected]
Mailing address: 4 Lesia Ukrainka str., Cherkasy, Ukraine, 18000
Tel .: +380 (472) 32 48 61 Fax: + 380 (472) 32 49 83
E-mail: [email protected]
The offer is valid until December 1, 2015.
23. Private Entrepreneur "Serhatyi Alexander", Cherkasy, offers export walnut kernels and whole wallnuts. Wallnut kernels can be divided into various factions and packaged in different ways. Export is planned to the countries of the European Union.
Director - Alexander Serhatyi
Postal address: 20 a Rosa Luxemburg str., Cherkasy, Ukraine, 18000
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.uawalnut.com
Skype: alexer9114
Phone: +380 66 26644337, +380 98 7801030
Languages spoken: English, German, Russian and others.
Offer is valid until January 1 2015.
24. Monastyrysche Production and Inculcation Company "Energetyk" LLC ,
Monastyrysche , Ukraine produces and sells:
1. Steam water-pipe boilers with efficiency of pressure up to 2,4 MPa from 1 to 35 tons of steam per hour. Types of fuel: natural gas, liquid and solid fuel.
2. Water heating boilers:
- fire-tube boilers with efficiency from 1 to 5 MWt with a temperature of heating of water 70-110 C. Types of fuel: solid fuel.
- water pipe boilers with efficiency from 0,25 to 11,63 MWt with a temperature of heating of water 95-150 C. Types of fuel: natural gas, liquid fuel.
The implementation of export is planned in European countries.
Contact information:
3, Lenina st., Monastyrysche, Cherkasy region, Ukraine, 19100 .
Tel. + 380 (4746) 2-57-70, 2-57-71, 2-57-72 Fax. +380 (4746) 2-57-73
Director: Alexey Parkhomenko
Responsible person: Mikhail Levchuk, Head of sales department,
Mob.tel. +380 (67) 236-16-16,
e-mail: [email protected]
The offer is valid until January 01, 2020
25. Orion-Glass LLC, Shpola, specializes on production of the tempered, bulletproof, laminated (multilayered) flat, bent glass and glass units.
Now Orion-Glass LLC has the most modern equipment for production of tempered glass, tripleksation, glass processing. All products are certified in UKRSEPRO system, the production process corresponds ISO 9001-2001 related to control of quality. At factory there is an independent certified laboratory for quality control of products.
The company plans to export its products to the EU and other countries and is looking for foreign partners for cooperation.
139 A Lenina str, , Shpola, Cherkasy region, Ukraine, 20600
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +380 (4741) 2-12-29, 2-12-19, 2-11-94 Fax: 2-12-29
Director: Sergii Stefanov .
Contact person: Irina Kaptenko,
mob. +38 (067) 777-98-36
E-mail: [email protected]
26. Cherkasy Research and Production Center for Biological Plant Protection LLC, Heronimivka, Cherkasy Region, looking for business partners for eхport of biological plant protection products for organic farming. Аn assortment of products for eхport can be found on the company's website in English and German.
We intend to export to the countries of the European Community.
Contact information: Geroimovskaya St., 3, Geroimovka, Cherkassy Region, 19601
Tel/fax: +380 (472) 55-09-83
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.cherkassybiozahist.com.ua
Director and responsible person: Sergii Zubachov
The offer is valid until the end of 2015
27. Public JSC "Vatutino bread-baking complex", Vatutino, Cherkassy region is looking for business partners for realization of export of confectionery (cake products and cookies) under "Charivnitsya" trademark. Using the recipes checked by time, the company makes tasty bread, cracknel, pies, cakes, cookies and other products. "Vatutino bread-baking complex" fully controls production process and guarantees the highest quality, it owns flour-grinding complex, laboratory, service of quality, department of marketing, sales and logistics.
Export is planned to Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Moldova, Germany, Czech Republic, Romania and other Eastern European countries.
Offer is valid until the end of 2015.
Contact information:
33 Transportna st., Vatutino, Cherkasy region, 20250, Ukraine.
Tel. +380 (4740) 62319 Fax: +380 (4740) 63 025
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.charivna.com.ua
Director and responsible person: Viktor Sosiura
28. Private small scientific and information enterprise "Faktograf", Cherkasy is looking for business partners for a realization of export of Faktograf speaker systems, the name of model – "Faktograf-303", the power 150 W, sizes: 800x500x330mm. Standard: State Standards of Ukraine, GOST 23262: 2011.
We intend to export to Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Austria.
The offer is valid until the end of 2015.
Contact information: P.O. Box No. 943, Cherkasy, 18005, Ukraine.
Tel: +380 (472) 73-66-22
Director and responsible person: Viacheslav Voinych.
29. "LІVS - KM" LLC , Smila, Cherkasy Region offers wood fuel pellets for consumer purposes. We are interested in establishing long-term and mutually beneficial alliances. The most important indicators of our work are: quality, efficiency and stability. Flexible conditions of cooperation will contribute to developing advantageous commercial relationship in future.
Our products meet TU U (Technical Specifications of Ukraine) 20.1-31281790-001: 2008 and the European standard DIN.
Price – 110 EUR/t including VAT.
According to the test report:
- Diameter, D - 6mm
- Length, L - 15mm
- Packaging - 25 kg
- Ash content, Ad1- 0,42
- Chlorine content - 0.11%
- Total moisture (Water Ratio) - 7,2%
The offer is valid until the end of 2015.
Contact information: 119, Artema St., Smila, Cherkasy Region, 20700, Ukraine
Tel/fax: +380 (4733) 4-05-45, 4-52-26
E-mail: [email protected]
Responsible person: Zaritskii Sergii, mob. +38 (067) 470-73-27.
If you are looking for trade partners in Ukraine, please contact us:
Cherkasy Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ukraine
Contact person – Mr. Sergii Kornienko
Tel\fax +380 472 54-17-23
e-mail: [email protected]
Name |
City |
Duration |
Organizer of the exhibition event and address |
Specification |
«Agroprom- Zaporizhzhya-2016» |
Zaporizhzhya |
February, 17-19 |
Expo-center «Meteor» Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Makarova str., 27a, 49008, Tel/Fax: 0562 357 357 E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.expometeor.com |
Exhibition Agroprom: - agro-economy - Agro-industrial construction - Agro-logistics - Agro-chemicals - Production of tractor and agrarian machinery, mini appliances - Information technologies and Agro-services - Bioenergy - Technology in crop - Technology in farm business - Technology in livestock |
The second professional and specialized exhibition: «EIT - 2016 Education in Ukraine. Education Abroad» |
Kiev |
February, 25-27 |
Limited Liability Company «LEADEREXPOCENTR» of. 134 Fax: + 38 096785 88 54 |
Achieving the public goals in the region education; assistance in determination specialties for applicants and selection an educational institution for their learning; popularization of education in Ukraine and abroad, modern educational programs, presentation educational establishments, the definition of the main problems of the industry and a finding of solutions to enhance the quality of education. |
III International Exhibition «Higher Education – 2016» |
Lviv |
March, 11-12 |
New Business, Privately held company Postal address: 79052, Lviv, Motorna str. 55 Tel/Fax: +38 (032) 245-52-12 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.educenter.com.ua
Specialization of the exhibition - education Thematic divisions of the exhibition: higher educational establishments, study abroad, language courses, youth programs, presentations, seminars, training. |
«Building-Spring» |
Zaporizhzhya |
March, 17-19
Zaporizhzhya Chamber of Commerce and Industry 69005, Zaporizhzhya, Centralny blvd, 4 Tel/Fax: +38 (061)213-50-26 E-mail: eхро2@cci.zp.ua Website: www.expo.zp.ua |
Building, architecture, repair, building materials and technologies, landscape decision. |
«Modern Educational Establishments – 2016»
March, 17-19
LLC «Company «Exhibition World» P. Lumumba str., 4/6 building В, office 1107, Kyiv, 01042, Ukraine Tel/Fax: +38 044 498-42-04, 498-42-05, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Website: www.vsosvita.com.ua With the support of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine |
Educational and scientific establishments of Ukraine, education abroad, regional and municipal education authorities, scientific and training centers, associations, funds, agencies, producers and distributors of teaching aids, publishing houses. |
«VIII International Trade Fair Metalworking. Tools. Plastics`2016» |
March, 29-31 |
International Exhibition Centre, Ltd. 02660 Kyiv, Brovarskoy ave., 15, Tel/Fax: (+38044) 201-11-57 E-mail: [email protected] Website: iec-expo.com.ua |
Universal metal-cutting, universal machining centers, robotics, device-building; |
II International Trade Fair «Kyiv Technical Fair ‘2016» |
March, 29-31 |
International Exhibition Centre, Ltd. Brovarskoy ave., 15, 02660, Kyiv, Tel/Fax: (+38044) 201-11-57 E-mail: [email protected] Website: iec-expo.com.ua
Engineering, metallurgy, casting, non-metallic materials in the industry: industrial glass, stone, graphite, adhesives, rubber, surface treatment, corrosion protection, compressors, pumps, valves, actuators, motors, diagnostics, monitoring, control, automation |
«MashProm Kharkiv – 2016»
Kharkiv |
April |
Expo-center “Meteor” Dnepropetrovsk, Makarova str., 27a, Tel/Fax: 0562 357 357, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.expometeor.com
Energy efficiency, energy saving, and electrical engineering Industrial Equipment & Metalworking Foundry products, technologies, equipment and materials for the manufacture of casting. |
«Mirror of fashion -Dnipropetrovsk-2016» |
Dnipropetrovsk |
April, 7-9 |
Expo-center “Meteor” Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Makarova str., 27a, 49008, Tel/Fax: 0562 357 357, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.expometeor.com |
Exhibition of beauty, cosmetics and equipment for beauty-industry |
«Education and Career – 2016» |
Kiev |
April, 14-16 |
All-Ukrainian public organization Association “Znannya” of Ukraine 57/3 Chervonoarmiyska str., Kiev, Ukraine Tel: +38 (044) 237-85-43 Fax: +38 (044) 287-37-43 E-mail: [email protected] The National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine |
Ukrainian and foreign educational establishments; international organizations; educational centers and specialized courses; study aids manufacturers; associations, foundations; publishing houses |
«ХVI International Trade Fair wedding. graduation party ‘2016» |
Kyiv |
April ,14-17
International Exhibition Centre, Ltd. 02660, Kyiv, 15, Brovarskoy ave., Tel/Fax: (+38044) 201-11-59 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://iec-expo.com.ua |
Wedding fashion for brides, suits, wedding accessories, shoes, underwear, evening dresses for farewell party, wedding, evening, make-up, hairstyle, wedding services, organization of wedding celebration, floristics, decoration, fireworks, balloons, wedding banquets, wedding cakes and loaves, wedding cortege, photography and video shooting, music, jewelry, presents and souvenirs
«ХVI International Trade Fair universe of beauty and health ‘2016» |
Kyiv |
April, 14-17
International Exhibition Centre, Ltd. 02660 Kyiv, Brovarskoy ave., 15, Tel/Fax: (+38044) 201-11-59 E-mail: forum@iec-expo.com.ua Website: iec-expo.com.ua |
Hairdressing art, hair care cosmetics, face and body care cosmetics, medical cosmetics, baby cosmetics, personal care products, decorative cosmetics and perfumery, manicure, pedicure, Nail Art - materials, instruments, make-up, visage, tattoo, Body Art, tattoo, piercing – services, accessories, products for beauty salons and hairdressing salons, hairdressing and nail art services, SPA. |
VII International Medical Forum Medicine Innovations - the Nation’s Health
Kyiv |
April, 19-21 |
Laboratory of marketing technology Ltd. Website: www.lmt.kiev.ua |
VII International Medical Forum Medicine Innovations- the Nation’s Health: |
V Anniversary International Exhibition of Medical Tourism, SPA & Wellness - Healthcare Travel Expo |
Kyiv |
April, 19-21 |
Laboratory of marketing technology Ltd. E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.lmt.kiev.ua |
V Anniversary International Exhibition of Medical Tourism, SPA & Wellness - Healthcare Travel Expo |
«Baby City» |
Dnipropetrovsk |
May |
Expo-center “Meteor” Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Makarova str., 27a, 49008, Tel/Fax: 0562 357 357 E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.expometeor.com |
1. Goods for Children 2. Goods for pregnant and lactating mothers 3. Children's Fashion 4. Education and training 5. Sports and creativity for children 6. Event-Services 7. Hand-made Zone |
«Mirror of fashion -Lviv-2016» |
Lviv |
May, 19-21 |
Expo-center “Meteor” Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Makarova str., 27a, 49008, Tel/Fax: 0562 357 357, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.expometeor.com |
Exhibition of beauty, cosmetics and equipment for beauty-industry |
XIII International Universal Exhibition Foreign Economic and Interregional Cooperation «Slobozhanskiy mist – 2016» |
Sumy |
May 20 |
Sumy Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 40030, Sumy, Illinska str., 7 A, Fax: +38(0542)770-767, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.cci.sumy.ua |
Universal |
«Sudnobuduvannya-2016» |
Mykolaiv |
May, 21-23 |
LLC «NARIMEXPO» Sudnobudivnykiv Square 3-B, Mykolaiv Tel: 0512-36-02-49 E-mail: [email protected] |
Projects of construction technology of vehicles and ships, ship equipment |
«Machinebuilding. Metallurgy» |
Zaporizhzhya |
May, 24 - 26 |
Zaporizhzhya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 69005, Zaporizhzhya, Centralny bul, 4 Tel/Fax: (061) 213-50-26, E-mail: eхро2@cci.zp.ua Website: www.expo.zp.ua |
New technologies and industrial equipment. Innovation projects. Machinebuilding and metallurgy product. |
«Foundry» |
Zaporizhzhya |
May, 24 - 26 |
Zaporizhzhya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 69005, Zaporizhzhya, Centralny bul, 4 Tel/Fax: +3(061) 213-50-26, E-mail: eхро2@cci.zp.ua Website: www.expo.zp.ua
Founding technologies, products. Up-date technologies and equipment for special methods of founding. Raw materials. |
«Composites & fiberglass» |
Zaporizhzhya |
May, 24 - 26 |
Zaporizhzhya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 69005, Zaporizhzhya, Centralny bul, 4 Tel/Fax: +(061) 213-50-26, E-mail: eхро2@cci.zp.ua Website: www.expo.zp.ua
Process, technologies, equipment. Raw materials. Intermediate and finished products. Service providing. |
XXVIII International agroindustrial fair «AGRO-2016» |
Kyiv |
June, 8-11 |
TD Promfininvest, Ltd Post address: office №152, Anri Barbusse str., 5-B, Kyiv, 03150 With the support of Agriculture Ministry
Agroindustrial |
«Baby City- Lviv-2016» |
Lviv |
August |
Expo-center “Meteor” Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Makarova str., 27a, 49008, Tel/Fax: 0562 357 357 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.expometeor.com |
1. Goods for Children 2. Goods for pregnant and lactating mothers 3. Children's Fashion 4. Education and training 5. Sports and creativity for children 6. Event-Services 7. Hand-made Zone |
The Sorochinskiy Yarmarok |
Velyky Sorochentsy village, Myrgorod district, Poltava Region |
Annualy, 16-21 August |
«Sorochinskiy Yarmarok» Ltd 40A, Myrhorodskia str., Velyki Sorochyntsi village, Myrhorod district, Poltava Region, 37645, Ukraine 12/9, Lidova str., Poltava, 36011, Ukraine Tel/Fax: +38(0532)50-82-11, Tel/Fax: +38(0532) 50-82-12 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.yarmarok.in.ua |
Universal exhibition-fair |
«World of childhood and school»
August 17-19
LLC «Company «Exhibition World» P. Lumumba str., 4/6 building В, office 1107, Kyiv, 01042 Tel/Fax: +38 044 498-42-04, 498-42-05, E-mail:[email protected], [email protected] Website: www.vsvit.com.ua |
Goods and services for kids, pupils and students: school uniforms and casual clothes, schoolbags, bags; books, schoolbooks, periodical literature; clothes and footwear for children of preschool and school age; clothes and footwear for sport and rest; sport equipment; exercise books, stationery and other school supplies; games and toys; computer programs, CDs; furniture for children; childrens’ and youth clubs, language courses, centers for rest and creativity; stores and internet shops of childrens’ goods. |
Zaporizhzhya |
September, 06-08
Zaporizhzhya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 69005, Zaporizhzhya, Centralny bul, 4 Tel: +3 (061)213-50-26 E-mail: eхро2@cci.zp.ua Website: www.expo.zp.ua
Electroenergetics, electrotechnical equipment, checking and measuring apparatus, industrial automation, cable and conduction production, electronic components and systems, energy saving technologies. |
The third professional and specialized exhibition «EIT - 2016 Education in Ukraine. EDUCATION ABROAD» |
Kiev |
September 28-30
Limited Liability Company «LEADEREXPOCENTR»
Achieving the public goals in the region education; assistance in determination specialties for applicants and selection an educational institution for their learning; popularization of education in Ukraine and abroad, modern educational programs, presentation educational establishments, the definition of the main problems of the industry and a finding of solutions to enhance the quality of education. |
«AgroExpo» |
Kirovograd |
29 September – 01 October |
UKRAGROEXPO Ltd. Office 501, 7, Ordzhonikidze str., 25006, Kirovograd, Ukraine Tel/Fax: +38 (0522) 35-83-62 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ukragroexpo.com
Agricultural exhibition |
«Mirror of fashion -Lviv- autumn-2016» |
Lviv |
October |
Expo-center “Meteor” Dnepropetrovsk, Makarova str., 27a, Tel/Fax: 0562 357 357 E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.expometeor.com |
Exhibition of beauty, cosmetics and equipment for beauty-industry |
National Agricultural Exhibition "AgroExpo-2016» |
Kirovograd |
October |
PJSC "Piramis" (supported Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine)
Agro technologies, equipment, machines |
Zaporizhzhya |
06-08 October
Zaporizhzhya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 69005, Zaporizhzhya, Centralny bul, 4 Tel/Fax: (061)213-50-26, E-mail: eхро2@cci.zp.ua Website: www.expo.zp.ua
Agro technologies, equipment, machines |
«LitEks – 2016» |
Dnipropetrovsk |
October |
Expo-center “Meteor” Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Makarova str., 27a, 49008, Tel/Fax: 0562 357 357 E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.expometeor.com
Energy efficiency, energy saving, and electrical engineering Industrial Equipment & Metalworking Foundry products, technologies, equipment and materials for the manufacture of casting. |
«IT-Lviv-2016» |
Lviv |
October |
Expo-center “Meteor” Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Makarova str., 27a, 49008, Tel/Fax: 0562 357 357 E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.expometeor.com |
Telecommunication networks and equipment Network components and software Control and measuring equipment IT-systems and equipment Sources and uninterruptible power supply systems System integration Navigation systems: technologies and solutions for telecom operators Systems and equipment for multiservice converged networks |
National Agricultural Exhibition «AhroEkspo-2016» |
Kirovograd |
October |
PJSC "Piramis" (supported by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine)
Agro technologies, equipment, machines |
«XV International Trade Fair protection technologies ‘2016» |
October, 11-14 |
International Exhibition Centre, Ltd. 15, Brovarskoy ave., 02660 Kyiv, Tel/Fax: (+38044) 201-11-64 E-mail: protech@iec-expo.com.ua Website: http://iec-expo.com.ua |
Anthropogenic and fire safety; protection against the natural disasters, liquidation of their sequences; search and rescue activities; nuclear and radiation safety; industrial safety; safety of environment; fire safety technologies; evacuation
«XIII International Trade Fair arms and security '2016» |
October, 11-14 |
International Exhibition Centre, Ltd. Brovarskoy ave., 15, Kyiv, Tel/Fax: (+38044) 201-11-63 E-mail: zbroya@iec-expo.com.ua Website: http://iec-expo.com.ua |
Combat, service, hunting and sporting arms, ammunition, optics and accessories, police and military equipment, uniform and garments, homeland security facilities, counter-terrorist equipment, border and customs means of control, security equipment, communication, special-purpose transport |
IV International Exhibition Autumn Salon «Higher Education – 2016» |
Lviv |
October, 14-15 |
New Business, Privately held company Postal address: Motorna str., 55, Lviv, 79052 Tel/Fax: +38 (032) 245-52-12 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.educenter.com.ua
Specialization of the exhibition - education Thematic divisions of the exhibition: higher educational establishments, study abroad, language courses, youth programs, presentations, seminars, training. |
IX International exhibition «LABComplEX. Analytics. Laboratory. Biotechnology. HI-TECH» |
Kyiv |
October,18-20 |
Laboratory of marketing technology Ltd. |
IX International exhibition «LABComplEX. Analytics. Laboratory. Biotechnology. HI-TECH» - whole range of equipment and tools, furniture and supplies as well as range of services for creation, equipping, modernization of all types of laboratories of various industries, research field and medicine.
VII International exhibition of equipment and technology for pharmaceutical industry PHARMATechExpo |
Kyiv |
October, 18-20 |
Laboratory of marketing technology Ltd. Website: www.pharmcomplex.com, www.lmt.kiev.ua, |
VII International exhibition of equipment and technology for pharmaceutical industry PHARMATechExpo - equipment, raw materials and technology for the pharmaceutical industry |
«TransUkraine 2016» |
Odessa |
October, 19-21 |
MediaCompass Ukraine Zhukovskogo str., 15, Odessa 65026, Tel/Fax: 0038 0482 355 999 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.smc.odessa.ua
Transport, logistics, all kinds of cargo transportation, special technics |
«Odessa 2016» |
Odessa |
October, 19-21 |
MediaCompass Ukraine Zhukovskogo str., 15, Odessa 65026, Tel/Fax: 0038 0482 355 999 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.smc.odessa.ua
Shipping, shipbuilding, ports, terminals, ship supply, navigation equipment. |
“TransRail Ukraine 2016” |
Odessa |
October, 19-21 |
MediaCompass Ukraine Zhukovskogo str., 15, Odessa 65026, Tel/Fax:+ 38 (0482) 355 999 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.smc.odessa.ua
Railway transport, car &locomotive building, rolling stock repair. |
«Commercial and municipal transport 2016» |
Odessa |
October, 19-21 |
MediaCompass Ukraine Zhukovskogo str., 15, Odessa 65026, Tel/Fax: 0038 0482 355 999 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.smc.odessa.ua
Commercial transport, municipal transport (buses, trolley-buses, trams), spares. |
«Innovation in Modern Education»
October, 25-27
LLC «Company «Exhibition World» P. Lumumba str., 4/6 building В, office 1107, Kyiv, 01042, Ukraine Tel/Fax: +38 044 498-42-04, 498-42-05, 498-42-06, 498-42-07 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Website: www.innovosvita.com.ua With the support of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine
Educational and scientific establishments of Ukraine, education abroad, regional and municipal education authorities, scientific and training centers, associations, funds, agencies, producers and distributors of teaching aids, publishing houses. |
«Mirror of fashion -Zaporozhye-2016» |
Zaporizhzhya |
November |
Expo-center «Meteor» Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Makarova str., 27a, 49008, Tel/Fax:+ 0562 357 357 E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.expometeor.com
Exhibition of beauty, cosmetics and equipment for beauty-industry |
«Mirror of fashion –Dnipropetrovsk/autumn-2016» |
Dnipropetrovsk |
November |
Expo-center “Meteor” Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Makarova str., 27a, 49008, Tel/Fax:+ 0562 357 357 E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.expometeor.com
Exhibition of beauty, cosmetics and equipment for beauty-industry |
«Agroprom- Kharkiv-2016» |
Kharkiv |
November |
Expo-center “Meteor” Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Makarova str., 27a, 49008 Tel/Fax: 0562 357 357 E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.expometeor.com |
16th National exhibition of Agrarian technologies: - agro-economy - Agro-industrial construction - Agro-logistics - Agro-chemicals - Production of tractor and agrarian machinery, mini appliances |
International specialized exhibition «AGRO TARGI» |
Lviv |
November |
PJSC "Gal-EXPO" in conjunction with organized exhibitions in Poland Kielce Targi (supported Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine)
Universal |
International exhibition of remunerative highly effective agriculture «InterAGRO» |
Kyiv |
November |
LLC "Kyiv International Contract Fair" (supported Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine) |
Agroindustrial |
«Fair Communtech '2016» |
Kyiv |
November |
International Exhibition Centre UA-02660 Kyiv, Brovarskoy Ave., 15 Ukraine Tel/Fax:+380(44) 201-1161 E-mail: reklama@iec-expo.com.ua Website: www.iec-expo.com.ua |
Energy- and resource saving technologies, equipment, materials for communal heat-power engineering, water supply and drainage systems, communal fund management and exploitation, road construction machinery, machinery for municipal and special purpose, city transport, road traffic management technical devices, wastes of production and consumption, recycling, polygon management |
«Water Forum AQUA UKRAINE '2016» |
Kyiv |
November |
International Exhibition Centre Brovarskoy Ave., 15, UA-02660 Kyiv, Ukraine Tel/Fax:+380(44) 201-1161 E-mail: reklama@iec-expo.com.ua Website: www.iec-expo.com.ua |
Water preparation, water supply, water removal, sewage treatment, local water treatment devices, pumping and armature equipment, engineering networks |
Fair «Eurobuildexpo'2016» |
Kyiv |
November |
International Exhibition Centre Brovarskoy Ave., 15, UA-02660 Kyiv Tel/Fax:+380(44) 201-1161 E-mail: reklama@iec-expo.com.ua Website: www.iec-expo.com.ua
Materials, equipment and machinery for construction |
International exhibition of remunerative highly effective agriculture «InterAGRO» |
Kyiv |
November |
LLC «Kyiv International Contract Fair» (supported by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine)
Agricultural industry |
«XIII International Agroindustrial Trade Fair AGROFORUM ‘2016» |
November, 8-11 |
International Exhibition Centre, Ltd. 02660, Kyiv, 15, Brovarskoy ave., Tel/Fax: (+38044) 201-11-68 E-mail: elenar@iec-expo.com.ua Website: http://iec-expo.com.ua
Agricultural machinery, equipment, spare parts for agricultural machinery, means of mechanization for small agricultural enterprises; agricultural production processing equipment, grain-cleaning separators, grain dryers, mill equipment, fat processing equipment, |
«XIV International Trade Fair «AQUA UKRAINE'2016» |
Kyiv |
November, 8-11 |
International Exhibition Centre, Ltd. Brovarskoy ave., 15, 02660, Kyiv, Ukraine Tel/Fax: +38(044) 201-11-62 E-mail: aqua@iec-expo.com.ua Website: http://iec-expo.com.ua
Water-preparation, water supply and water removal, sewage treatment, engineering networks, the pump equipment, automated control systems of a water management, protection of water resources, bottled water. |
“IV International Trade Fair INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY ‘2016” |
Kyiv |
November, 8-11 |
International Exhibition Centre, Ltd. Brovarskoy ave., 15, 02660, Kyiv, Ukraine Tel/Fax: +38(044) 201-11-62 E-mail: aqua@iec-expo.com.ua Website: http://iec-expo.com.ua
Environmental monitoring, treatment of industrial emissions, industrial wastes and their disposal, toxic wastes management, purification and restoration of soils, soundproofing and noise control, electromagnetic and radioactive radiation
«XIV International Trade Fair CommunTech ‘2016» |
Kyiv |
November, 8-11 |
International Exhibition Centre, Ltd. 02660, Kiev , Brovarskoy ave., 15 Tel/Fax: +38(044) 201-11-59, 201-1166 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://iec-expo.com.ua |
Energy-saving technologies, equipment, materials, instruments for housing and communal services; communal fund management; trenchless technologies of engineering network servicing and repair; machinery for municipal and special purpose; |
«VII International Trade Fair RoadTechExpo’2016» |
November, 8-11 |
International Exhibition Centre, Ltd. Brovarskoy ave., 15, 02660, Kyiv,Ukraine Tel/Fax: +38(044) 201-11-59, 201-1166 E-mail: dorexpo@iec-expo.com.ua Website: http://iec-expo.com.ua |
Construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of motor roads, bridges and overpasses; road-building technique, special machinery, machines and mechanisms for building and maintenance of motor roads; materials and technologies; automotive parts to special machinery; road traffic safety devices; |
«XIV International Forum Fuel And Energy Complex of Ukraine: The Present and the Future
XIV International Trade Fair Рower Engineering For Ukrainian Industry ‘2016» |
November, 8-11 |
International Exhibition Centre, Ltd. Brovarskoy ave., 15, 02660 Kyiv, Ukraine Tel/Fax: (+38044) 201-11-57 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www. iec-expo.com.ua
Power industry, Power machine building, Industrial electrical engineering, Conductor cable production and accessories, Industrial control, instrumentation and diagnostics ,Energy saving and energy efficiency, Industrial lighting, Power engineering in building, Power engineering in transport, in agro-industrial complex, Industrial lighting, |
«VI International Trade Fair Eurobuildexpo’2016» |
November 8-11 |
International Exhibition Centre, Ltd. Brovarskoy ave., 15, 02660 Kiev, Ukraine Tel/Fax: (+38044) 201-11-59, 201-1166 E-mail: stroyexpo@iec-expo.com.ua Website: http://iec-expo.com.ua
Industrial and housing building, architecture and repair works; building technologies, materials and constructions; machinery, equipment, instruments for building and repair works; autonomous sources of heating and electrical energy; intellectual technologies for the housing automation; elements and products of decoration |
«IX International Trade fair energy efficiency. renewable energy-2016» |
November 8-11 |
International Exhibition Centre, Ltd. Brovarskoy ave., 15, 02660, Kiev Tel/Fax: (+38044) 201-11-66 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://iec-expo.com.ua |
Renewable energy sources, alternative types of fuel, autonomous energy sources, energy-saving lighting equipment, energy saving in building and exploitation of buildings, applying of energy effective technologies to manufacture, investment projects of Ukraine on energy efficiency |
«Education and Career – Day of student 2016» |
Kiev |
November, 10-12 |
All-Ukrainian public organization Association «Znannya» of Ukraine Chervonoarmiyska str., 57/3,Kiev, Ukraine Tel: +38 (044) 237-85-43 Fax: +38 (044) 287-37-43 E-mail: [email protected] By support: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, The National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine Website: www.osvitainfo.com.ua
Ukrainian and foreign educational establishments; international organizations; educational centers and specialized courses; study aids manufacturers; associations, foundations; publishing houses |
«EUROAGRO – 2016» |
Lviv |
November, 17-19 |
JSC «Gal-EXPO», 79008, Lviv, Vynnychenka str.30 Tel.:+ (032) 297-06-28, e-mail: [email protected] Targi Kielce S.A., 25-672 Kielce, Poland Tel: +48 41 365 12 34, Tel: +48 797 339 451 Fax: +48 41 365 12 79 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.targikielce.pl
Agro Industrial complex |
«XV International Industrial Forum -2016» |
Kyiv |
November, 22 - 25 |
International Exhibition Centre, Ltd. Brovarskoy ave., 15, 02660 Kyiv, Tel/Fax: (+38044) 201-11-61 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://iec-expo.com.ua
Metal-working technologies and equipment, production technologies and equipment for machinery, welding technologies, equipment and materials, hydraulics. pneumatics, hoisting and transporting, storehouse equipment, controlling and measuring instruments, laboratory and testing equipment, metrology and certification, protection facilities and working area safety
«Mirror of fashion - Kharkov-2016» |
Kharkov |
December |
Expo-center «Meteor» Ukraine, 49008, Dnepropetrovsk, Makarova str., 27a, Tel/Fax: 0562 357 357, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.expometeor.com |
Exhibition of beauty, cosmetics and equipment for beauty-industry |